Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Soul Song

Music tugs my ear and my attention follows. "Sh-Boom, Sh-boom" yanks my smile into my young life of the 50's. There I am in bobby socks and saddle shoes, smelling warm asphalt at the sock hop at the roped off street dance. There I am doing the hip swaying, finger snapping rhythm of the music of my past.

New music, and my heart swirls like slowly rising steam into the starry night of romance hoped for; nay expected. "I have often walked down this street before," pulls my eyes closed to watch movie memories on my eyelid screen. "Teen Angel" never fails to put my feet near the railroad track where High School friends attempted to beat a train, and the train won.

"I fall down, but I get up again", brings the memory of a grandchild singing with passion the song of courage during rough times. "One elephant went out to play out on a spiders web one day", now sung my the third of my grandchildren, still finds me remembering the Girl Scout troop in which I first learned the motions.

"America the Beautiful" fills my eyes with tears, my chest with pride for the nation in which I've been blessed to be born. "This is my Country" does the same.

Music is my lifelong companion. Lifting me up, bringing solace, inviting my compassion, bringing pride.

While researching before teaching my "Befriending Your Dreams" courses, I found an important notation. In ancient times American Indians taught their children that each soul had a personal song. That when the dreamer's body slept, the soul could safely wander until awakening came. Then the dreamer would lie quietly humming the song to let the soul know it was time to return to the body. What a spectacular way to awaken; with a gentle musical connection.

This particular blog began when I overheard the process of selecting music to enter into cell phones that alert the receiver to which caller was trying to reach them. Each caller with their own unique alert that they were trying to communicate. A wake-up call of sorts. A stretch of the soul music concept; yet ironically similar. Both are a call to awareness that some part of the spiritual universe that has been wandering, is ready to come 'home'.

What music has called you home recently?