Saturday, October 10, 2009

That Was THEN --This is NOW

50th High School Reunion, excitement/PANIC. Just hearing that the date is set for a year from now I become 17 again -- emotionally. Voices of judgment, criticism, remembered tears, feelings of isolation, exclusion, dreams and crushed dreams confusion and struggle WHY do I want to return to my memories of that???

It's taken 50 years of hard work to realize and overcome the seeds planted during years of being a teenager in high school. Why do we call it "going through" high school like it's the paddle wheel of growing up? A giant dunk tank of emotional ups and downs -- near drownings -- and momentary lifts into the light and then plunged again into uncertainty, self doubt, broken hearts and dreams. We usually say we 'attend' college, or go 'to' university and have a career in a certain fiels and the very detachment of the words help me breathe more freely. Secondary education is more of a buffet for the curious and hungry and while no less challenging and growth producing, somehow less battering to the soul.

Continuing education is my greatest indulgence since leaving High School. Once I stopped giving others (almost ANY other) the authority to tell me who I am, what I should be doing with my life, how disappointed they are in what I have or haven't become -- life has been a convertible ride through the countryside on a beautiful spring day. Well almost. There are times I've had to put the top up despite my Doris Day image of the 50's that sunshine and gentle breezes and an adoring person to love at your side were to be expected -- or even deserved.

Why did I PANIC when anticipating a return to a turning point in my life's journey? Because I dumped all the progress I have made in my thinking. It wasn't my anticipation that others would judge/condemn what I have or have not become. (you know, successful career, financially stable, fatter and uglier than THEN, children who won the Nobel Peace Prize or went to the moon and found the secret to life. That stuff.) My biggest panic was that I have let myself down and now I would return to the community who knew me then, wearing a blinking neon sign saying LOSER -- my self imposed reflection.

That was THEN

This is NOW.

YOu know I REALLY like who I've become. I am honest, genuine, loving and compassionate and have a healthy sense of humor. I am a good teacher, mother, grandmother, friend and co-worker. I look at my warts and see opportunities for change. I embrace what I have done and been to those sharing my journey, and pronounce it good because of what I have learned from the experience. I know that expectation is the brick wall I hit causing depression, anxiety and stress. So I have learned to build doors in that wall to allow myself to move through unscathed. Expectations? Necessary measures and values to build on when I allow them to balance with mid-course corrections during those times when life invites me or shoves me to a different path. I love the words of Michelangelo in his eighty-seventh year, Ancora Imparo, Still I am learning.

I have just purchased a college level course in Understanding the Human Body. Why do I want to have the insight of a doctor when my years left in my body are fewer than 30? Because I want to know what has been at the center of my ability to share fully in human experiences. I want to look at injuries, illness and disease and understand their part in my path of learning during this lifetime. I want to build compassion for others' physical journey and KNOW what they have endured. I want to appreciate my body for exactly what it was and is. Not my expectation of how I wished I looked on the outside. I will NOT work desperately to lose weight by next September. I will NOT color my silver hair to feel as if I haven't changed from the jet black that used to define me. (Those choices have been constantly nagging me for several months now.) I HAVE changed. OH, my how I have changed. Thank GOD. I have NO judgment about those who choose either of the above. It's just not my choice and I feel freer for having made it while of sound mind.

Time moves so quickly that This is Now will be That was Then before I end this sentence. Blessings on all of it. The gift and journey of a lifetime.

Tails You're IT

Cheyenne is not a talking cat. Her meows are limited to "My food bowl is empty. HOW could you DO that to me?", or "Where have you BEEN? I wanted you HERE!" Over time she has taught me her second language. Gentler, more loving and on a much deeper level than demanding her due from me. She speaks with her tail.

If I have prodded her off her throne (MY recliner) in the middle of one of her many naps in the glow of the sun, she reluctantly jumps to the floor, puts that tail straight UP, stops at the doorway to glare at me over her shoulder and with great impertinence sashays out of the room giving me the finger -- or, ah, the tail.

When I massage her with the lint roller (she LOVES it) to remove her hair before it gets on my furniture and linens, she whups me with her tail to tell me "that's enough already -- I need some warmth for the coming cold weather."

The rapid twitch she signals as she's anticipating just how much power and leverage it will take to get from the floor to her favorite sleeping spot the terry towel draped between the sheets and up against the pillow on my bed, you can almost hear the concentration and communication between head and tail. "OK now if I want my front paws to reach the mattress and my back paws to support my landing, I should do three practice lift offs of my rump and then lunge like I'm still 3 years old instead of 13. And in order to miss that rumpled blanket I'll aim just a little to the left of yesterday's jump. All systems ready? Swish, swish lift off, Here I goooooooo!"

My favorite secret language though is when she circles my limp body as I prepare to dream (and perchance to sleep too) dusting me with the full length of her tail as if tucking the blankets in just so. When she is comfortable that I am settled for the night she selects her position of choice, butt near my shoulder, head facing away toward any approaching danger from outside our sacred circle and talks to my nose, cheek and chin with the gentlest brush stroke whispers and emphatic taps from the tip of her tail. Her very own prayer time and lullaby. "Thank you for Bonney and the care she gave me today. Help her rest peacefully and awake rejuvenated. Let her know I am guarding her through the night even if I jump down and go catting around the house while she dreams. And thank you for giving me the unique voice box to purr her to sleep with her favorite comfort sounds. I give it gladly."